Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Bebe is Unhappy...

Bebe is OK, so don't worry.  But she has a cold and has been sneezing a lot, so we took her to the vets just to have her checked out.  She was NOT happy with her examination, however.  She had to be held down by the vet tech while the doctor listened with a stethoscope, and then drew blood and a urine sample.  Man, she was NOT happy.  But the good news is that she is in good shape, given that she is 17 years old!  And we have an antibiotic to get her back to good as new in no time.


  1. Good news for Bebe and you and Kathy. It is probably more painful for you to watch than her examination. Hope your furry friend feels better real soon.

  2. Good news, indeed. I didn't realize she was 17 - Wow! She actually doesn't look too stressed out in this particular photo...betsey
