Tuesday, August 29, 2017

"Mighty Oaks...

...from little acorns grow."   Yesterday I cut a pretty good sized branch off a tree because it was overhanging our new back room.  It was low enough that the branches coming off the big branch would start to rub on the roof, damaging the shingles.  Turns out it was an oak tree.  As I was cutting up the smaller branches I noticed that there were acorns forming on many of the branches.  They are not fully formed, as you can see - usually the cap doesn't cover this much of the inner part of the acorn.  Man, you can learn so many things by reading this blog, right?

1 comment:

  1. Actually, I do! Because when you write something I am totally unfamiliar with, I look up more information online. Learning is a good thing!! betsey
