Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Will This Wall Fall Down?

I have passed this downtown wall a number of times, and each time I see it, I wonder if it will fall down.  It has a serious lean at the top!  This wall surrounds the churchyard at the Old St. Patrick's Cathedral.  The cathedral was built in 1868.  In 1879 when the new St. Patrick's Cathedral was opened on 5th Avenue, this church became a parish church.

So on this day I decided to see what I could discover about this wall.  So I walked around the property until I could see into the churchyard.  And lo and behold, I saw that in addition to the original brick buttresses, there have been added some brick-colored concrete buttresses.  So by the looks of it, this will will not be falling down.  Aren't you relieved?  I am!

1 comment:

  1. That is a lot of bricks. Glad someone was smart enough to see into the future...betsey
