Monday, August 20, 2018

People Who Care

This was a very sobering experience.  After parking the car, we walked out on to the bridge over Quechee Gorge, and I spotted something taped to the top of the railing.  When I got close, I saw this.  What was impressive was that in addition to the very professional looking label, there were hand written labels under plastic fastened to the railing with plastic ties.

It was the hand written messages that touched me so.  The minute I saw the first note, I realized why they were there - one look over the side, and you can imagine that someone who wanted to commit suicide would find this an attractive place, given that the drop to the rocks and water below was 167 feet.  The notes on the railing were perhaps every 4 or 6 feet along the railing, on both sides of the bridge.  And there were two telephones, one at each end of the bridge, so that someone could call a suicide hotline.  It is so clear that people are trying everything in their power to keep people from going over the side.  It was very sobering experience.

And this is a view of the river, directly under the bridge.


  1. The hand written note is so powerful, it brought tears to my eyes. Nice to know people are reaching out and phones are available.

  2. I had the same reaction as Joan. The note is powerful. And having phones close by will hopefully help to save a life. betsey

  3. I, too, agree with Joan and Betsey. Powerful messages from others. Just recently, about a month ago, one of our kid's friends' mom jumped from a cliff. Very sad. It's heartbreaking that a person can feel so alone and hopeless. It is good to see phones, words of caring and others reaching out. Trace

  4. Hi Trace - Thanks so much for your message. What a sobering story, and thanks for posting it. How would anyone know when that mom was walking around, that she was suffering so terribly. What a tragic story, and one that is so appropriate since we are talking about suicide.
