Sunday, December 9, 2018


This is the first blog post with my new camera!  I neglected to mention that when I bought the new camera, I also bought a telephoto zoom lens, which I also had for the other camera.  So I used the telephoto to reach out to get a closer view of these men fishing across the harbor.  You will note the term "Fishers" which I used as the title.  I remember a number of years ago, the government needed to come up with "gender neutral" names for various occupations - "fishermen" wouldn't work for everyone, thus, in this case "fishers."  Just an interesting bit of history.  I love this photograph because of the dark sky above the fishermen.


  1. How far from shore are the fishers standing. Does the sandbar reach out from your side of the harbor?

  2. Good Question! I just looked on Google Maps, and the distance from me to them, across the water is about 700 Feet. And the lens was not zoomed out all the way.

  3. This is a beautiful wintery photo. Trace

  4. Looks like a sandbar in the middle of the harbor! Have fun with the new camera and your telephoto lens...betsey
