Sunday, December 30, 2018

The Amazing Landscape

This is such an amazing photograph of the land from an airplane. I didn't want to post it in my series "East to West,"  I wanted to display it all by itself.  It was taken from 34,000 feet and it is the desert just a bit north of a town called Twentynine Palms which is about 150 miles east of Los Angeles.  Please click on the picture to see it in more detail.  If you look carefully, you can see low mountains and the desert, and in the foreground center you can see a dry wash where water has run off at one time.  It is a very subtle landscape and the colors are so subtle and so beautiful.  It almost seems like an imaginary landscape.  I think I need to make a giant print of this to hang on my wall at home.


  1. Lovely. Thanks for the detailed description to bring it to life.

  2. Thanks for your note. I am glad that my description added something to understanding the photograph. It is so subtle, that perhaps it's beauty is easy to overlook at first.
