Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Meet the Candidate

We were invited on Sunday by our long tine friends, Nancy and Larry, to attend a brunch at their home, so that we could meet a new political candidate.  This is Melanie D'Arrigo, and she is a Democrat running in a primary against Tom Suozzi, our current representative in Congress.

I had never heard of her before, so Kathy and I were interested in meeting her and seeing what she has to say.  She spoke of how she will never accept donations from corporations, that health care is a human right, she will fight to transition to a green economy, and to create a fair tax system that doesn't just cater to the ultra-rich.

It was so impressive to hear her talk and to see her intelligence and feel her energy.  In short, she is awesome!  It was a pleasure to meet her.

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