Tuesday, February 11, 2020

"...You Lookin' At?" Part 2

This is Grace, giving me "the look!"  Look at her intensity!  Why is she looking at me like this?  I know perfectly well why...  When I sit in my easy chair in the living room which I only do to read, she comes and sits like this looking at me.  Want to know why?  Because she is hoping I will reach over and get my red laser pointer, and run it around the floor of the living room and dining room so Grace, and Sam, and even BeBe can run around and chase it.  They LOVE doing this.  And the interesting thing is, they take turns, depending on if I quickly put the red dot in front of another cat, the others will wait until it is there turn.  Cats are fun!   :-)


  1. You are definitely making me consider getting a couple of kittens! I do miss having cats around!

  2. Grace is demanding her playtime and she is going to stare at you until you get your laser. Hysterical!. She really is a beauty! betsey
