Sunday, March 29, 2020

Keeping Social Distance!

This is a little bit of a long story.  This is Amaka.  We worked with her and her fiance Chris in the marriage preparation program at church, and they are now friends.  They were supposed to be married two days ago, but had to cancel the wedding, to which we were invited, which was really nice.  You know, no large gatherings.  Amaka is from Nigeria and her family was flying over for the wedding.  Kathy wanted to make her a small cloth purse, so Amaka gave Kathy several yards of this spectacularly beautiful Nigerian cloth.  So today we decided to drive down to Westbury and drop off the purse and the extra cloth.  It was an understatement to say that Amaka was thrilled to see us!  We kept the proper social distance and then left after seeing her for just a minute.


  1. Ken, I prefer to call it physical distancing
    Social distancing seems so isolating. We connect socially everyday, as an example , through your blog, FaceTime, zoom, etc. Physical distancing is the important thing right now. Keeping in touch socially is even more important ( just my opinion) thanks for helping to keep,us all connected. It means so much.

  2. Thank you Ron. I agree with your thought and new term of physical distance. We need to keep in touch socially.

    It must have been so hard to cancel a wedding at the last minute, especially when you are expecting to see family from so far away. I'm sure the purse Kathy made was lovely and must have really brightened her day.


  3. Hi Ron: Thanks so much for your kind words. You are absolutely right. I misspoke when I said "social." Thanks for reminding me that it is physical distance. There are too many words for this old person to remember... :-)

  4. Hi Ken, I used to keep up with your blog, but I have forgotten about it. Boo on me! But I am excited I have rediscovered it. Especially now that we are all looking for ways to connect again. I enjoy your photographs and your commentary. And I love the concept of physical distancing vs social distancing that Ron put forth! What a great distinction that I can't believe hasn't been discussed yet. Let's make it the new phrase.

    1. This is Karen McAvoy by the way. My comment said it would "reply as" my email name, so I thought that would be in there. Great photo, by the way.

  5. Thanks, Karen! I don't know what it is about Blogger but it is such a hassle for those who don't have their own accounts that is nearly impossible to post here. All my friends say the same thing! My sisters and friends do as you do and post anonymously and just add their names to their posts.
