Saturday, August 8, 2020


My bike ride has gotten a bit more interesting since the hurricane passed through.  There are trees down everywhere, most of which have been moved to the side of the road, or which stick out blocking one lane and that's no problem at all.  But this, now this was a problem!  I was determined to continue on my normal route though.  So I went over by the power pole to the left, and walked over the curb on to the grass that you can see, and found a way around the uprooted tree roots.  There were no wires over on that side, so that made it easier.  This is what the roots looked like.  I was surprised about how thin the roots were.  It also looked like the soil is very sandy, which would not be unusual for Long Island.  It is surprising how these thin roots could hold up this tree.  Wait!  They didn't!  It is hard to tell how high the roots and the earth are, but they were over my head!  I continued to the left around the roots, and into someone's driveway, and then back out to the street, and I was on my way!


  1. It is so sad that so many large trees toppled in this hurricane. What stands out in my mind is that you were determined to continue on your normal route. Are you a stubborn yankee? :-)
    Joan - a stubborn yankee

  2. I have seen large numbers of huge trees totally uprooted by the strong winds all around town. I finally got my power back on Friday but there are still some areas that don't have power. Nothing is going to stop you from your bike ride!!! Determination! betsey
