Tuesday, September 22, 2020

No Dunkin' Donuts - Week 28

Wow, 28 weeks sheltering in place.  That's 7 months!  Wow!  When this all started I didn't really think how long it would be that we would have to change how we live.  So time goes by and we shelter, for the most part, and suddenly it is 7 months later.  And a lot of months to go, by all accounts, until we have a vaccine, and, until us "nonessential people" can get inoculated.  So this is the beach today, at our coffee, tea and 2 donuts breakfast at Tappan Beach.  No lifeguard tower, but a number of green 55 gallon drums to be used as trash cans.  No sign of anyone on the beach, although a number of people were parked in their cars facing the beach.  This was the first photograph that I "saw" and I did this image and tried a number of other photographs, some from down low, level with the sand, but for some reason this was the most interesting photograph of all to me.



  1. Many footprints from beach goers on a warmer day. Very calming photo.

  2. 28 weeks. Seems impossible. We all thought it would be a few weeks and then everything would get back to normal. Thank goodness for regular routines to keep us on track. Quiet solitude at the beach. Sunny and blue skies - always hopeful. betsey
