Sunday, September 27, 2020

Oscar in the Tree

This is Oscar in a tree, getting ready to cut off a branch that was hanging low over our back room roof.  The interesting thing is that the branch is from a tree in the neighbor's yard!  The neighbors are in the process of selling their house, so I asked permission to cut the branch off and they said "yes" and they said the workmen could come over in their yard if they had to to accomplish this.  Legally I am allowed to cut any part of the branch that crosses the property line.  But practically, I wanted to remove the whole branch so that I could get more sunlight in the back yard, AND I would also get a larger view of the sky from the back yard.   I wanted that so that I could more easily view the moon in the western sky as it sets.  So everything went well and I can see the sky better!



  1. That is one job I am not interested in trying. A real skill for safely cutting trees. Now you should post the "after" photo. :-)

  2. I immediately thought of before and after shots of the tree and your backyard...Oscar is probably thinking " why is this guy taking pictures of me in this tree?" hahaha! betsey
