Sunday, October 4, 2020

Maintaining the Phonomena

I decided that I was unhappy with the photograph that I posted of the Moon and Mars.  It was a true photograph, unretouched.  But it really didn't show what the Moon and Mars looked like to me when I saw it with my eyes.  Mars was much brighter than it shows in the photograph.  So I decided to create a photograph that looked like what I saw.  So I made a brighter Mars in photoshop and pasted it on top of the real, faint, Mars.  The picture above is what resulted.  See how bright it is?

But then I realized that because I had cropped into the photograph so you could see it in more detail, we loose the sense of how close Mars is to the Moon.  And when I pasted in the Moon and Mars to this larger canvas, I pasted the shot with the "enhanced" Mars.  Mars is still in the night sky, by the way, and should be visible after 10 PM.  It will be in the southeast about 30 degrees up and it is really bright!

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