Friday, December 25, 2020

A Christmas Zoom Gathering

There is nothing that feels normal about this year's celebration of Christmas.  We should be in Los Angeles but we're not.  We are home alone having a Christmas dinner for two which has never happened ever - we have always had dinner with other family members, whether in Connecticut or Los Angeles.  But the one part of our day which brought joy to us was a Zoom meeting which included  Liz and Sarah and Amy and Gus, and the star of the video, Vivian!  It also included Kelsey from Maine, and my sisters, Karen, Joan and Betsey and our niece Jenny and nephew Jonathan and Lauren and their twins, Grayson and Evelyn, all in Connecticut.  And us, of course, in New York.  It was a wonderful gathering that finally felt like Christmas, at last.



  1. Happy for the technology of Zoom and seeing everyone for Christmas near and far. I am thankful that I was able to spend Christmas with my children and grandchildren, but this is the first time ever that I have not gathered with my sisters and extended family or friends for Christmas (or Thanksgiving or Mother's Day or Easter, etc.) Looking forward to 2021 with hope.

  2. I am so glad that we could Zoom together for Christmas. Made it feel more like a family gathering. Loved seeing baby Vivian and all the smiles all around! Hopefully, we can gather in person next Christmas...betsey
