Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Doll Making

Jo Anne was thrilled to hear about Kathy's doll-making.  So we brought Kathy's sewing machine along with us.  So the two of them spent days making dolls and then making clothes for the dolls.  They were having so much fun together.  Kathy has been working alone on her dolls at home, so it was a lot of fun for her to have a friend to work with and to show some of what she has learned.  Two pals hanging out - what's better than that?



  1. Absolutely love this photo and the joyfulness of doll making together. I used to love making crafts or baskets or chair caning. I need to find a project other than crochet. So much fun to craft together as Jan and I used to do.

  2. This is such a joy to read! I love that Kathy and Jo Anne are making dolls together. So much more fun than Kathy making by herself. Mom sewed matching dolls for Karen, Joan and I many years ago. They are a treasure! betsey
