Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Now it Begins...

The forecast is for heavy snow tonight, and light snow started at dusk today.  The sun had set already set when I looked out the window and saw the light snow on the ivy in front of our overgrown back gate.  It was really dark and this was a long exposure.  The blue light is what you get long after sunset.  When our friends the Gordon's lived next door, this gate did not exist and we walked back and forth all the time as we visited them, or they visited us.  The people who bought the Gordon's house installed the gate and we never went through it again.



  1. I am amused that new neighbors would install a gate to enter your back yard and now it is overgrown. Hope you did not get as much snow as predicted.

  2. Your photo captures the mood of a neighbor's gate not used.

  3. Actually, the opening was there with no gate. The new neighbors at the time had a young child and so installed a gate so the child would be less likely to leave the yard. Then it became overgrown because it was never used.
