Tuesday, August 31, 2021

My Favorite Sculpture

I have been coming to the Nassau County Museum of Art for years now.  The museum was established in 1969 and I was there a number of times to do photographs for the paper.  I don't remember when I first saw this sculpture.  It is titled "Girl on a Bicycle, 1965" and it is by the sculptor Bruno Lucchesi.  He is a sculptor who was born in Italy, and moved to New York City in 1958.  I am not sure why I find this so powerful and so beautiful, but I stop and look at it and photograph it every time I come to this museum.



  1. The sculptor's name is familiar so I looked him up. I remembered that he did a lot of women in "active" scenes through the years. So this woman on a bicycle is a great example. She looks as if she is trying to get away from something...betsey

  2. That's so interesting that you recognized the sculptor's name! And it is amazing that you remember seeing his sculptures and the sense of them. I'm impressed!
