Saturday, October 9, 2021

The Fix

If you recall, this is a photograph of the washout at the bottom of the mile-long hill.  I am posting this so you are reminded of what happened in the terrible rainstorm.

So this is the fix they have been working on for the last month.  First they filled a large majority of the giant hole with gravel.  Then they covered that with sand.  For some reason, they have left this hole in this corner, where the utility pole is.  That pole is really leaning a lot, but it is getting support from a cable anchored in the ground.

Here is a view from the end of the original sidewalk toward the repaired area.

So the rushing waters from the flood washed out all the soil from behind the steel bulkhead in the distance, and in the foreground, it destroyed part of the concrete wall.  I wondered if they were going to have to replace the wall, but apparently not.  They have used wire bags of rocks to fill in the destroyed wall and behind the wall, and then dumped rocks in front of  the wire bags.  I wonder if all this will work.


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