Saturday, November 20, 2021

A Tree in the Woods

This is another photograph from the Louis C. Clark Sanctuary.  When I walk in the forest I need to remember to look down, which seems counter intuitive.  I will show you a couple of photographs that I did at Caumsett State Park that involve looking down.  I tend to look forward at the landscape and up at the trees.  But I was paying attention here.  I love the rich dark coloration of the old decomposing tree in contrast to the bright leaves of fall.


1 comment:

  1. Looking up or down are not natural for most people. We always tend to look forward to where we are going and miss much of what is around us. Stopping and smelling the roses is very apropos when taking a walk in nature.

    Love the color contrasts of fall and the dampness you see in the decaying wood.
    Great composition!
