Monday, November 15, 2021

Hiking Around Sea Cliff

Liz and I had some fun today!  She wanted to walk down Sea Cliff Avenue, the main street, just to see the place and the changes in town.  When we got to the park at the end, we looked out over the water, then picked the nearest street that goes down the cliff.  It was unbelievable!  I have never been down that street and you wouldn't believe it either how steeply it descends.  And there are houses at the bottom!  We hiked back up the hill and then went down and up another street.  Then we went to the famous Tilly Steps that go down the face of the cliff.  We went to the bottom which ends on the boardwalk along the harbor.  Then Liz got a great idea.  We went to the end of the boardwalk and climbed over the railing on to a bulkhead and then down to a rock, and finally to the tidal flats.  The tide was out, fortunately.  Then we walked along the shoreline until we got to the beach at the end of our street.  I saw so many homes and streets and views of the cliff that I have never seen,  and I have lived here since 1966!



  1. What a wonderful photo with Liz and the sandbars and clouds. Love the story that you two were exploring new streets in your neighborhood.

  2. I had to laugh after reading your comment about seeing new streets and homes! I'm sure we all do that!! Love the photo of Liz walking along the sandbar with the bright sky and reflection on the water areas. betsey

  3. Sounds like a wonderful time together for the both of you. It is a beautiful photo of Liz and the sun shining on the water. Trace
