Thursday, November 11, 2021

I Lied

I did a post two days ago titled "Last Moon."  I said I would not be posting any more Moon photographs: "This is my last Moon post, at least for a while!  I promise."  Well, I lied!  After spending the day photographing Fall color, it started to get dark.  And there was the Moon.  And three planets!  So I have gone back on my word.  I photographed the four objects over trees, and kept walking to the parking lot, and then saw them over the barns.  There's the shot!  From left to right: Jupiter, the Moon, and up and to the right a short distance is a very faint Saturn, and then on the far right is Venus.  What a spectacular thing to see in a deep blue sky long after sunset!  For the curious, way down in the lower left is the start Fomalhaut.  Please click on this image and it makes it easier to see the fainter stars.



  1. Stunning photo. I am happy that you went back on your word and caught so many planets in one photo to share with us. Amazing!

  2. So glad you went back on your word and showed us this exceptional photo of Jupiter, the moon, Saturn and Venus. How exciting! Thank you. betsey

  3. That's the thing about your brother... You never know when to believe him! :-)

  4. This photo is fantastic! You have such a great sense and skill to be able to capture the perfect moment! Thanks for sharing your knowledge, I enjoy learning with every photo!
