I got back to the B&B at 2 AM after a spectacular night of observing the stars under jet black skies. It was a magnificent night for observing! It was so dark, at 1 AM when two of my good friends approached the telescope I did not recognize them in the dark. This is the Milky Way, a beautiful and sublime slight that most of the population in the United States has never even seen. When I want to observe under dark skies, I drive out to the east end of Long Island where you can see the Milky Way on a clear night. But that was 20 years ago, and now the Milky Way from there is only a faint representation of what it once was. So to see the Milky Way in all it's glory in a dark sky is good for the soul!
Glad you posted this is i did not worry.
Impressive photo. So happy for you to have clear dark skies.
Breathtaking! So happy that you had clear, dark skies. betsey