Monday, February 27, 2023

The Birds!

If you remember, on February 20 I did a post of some buildings I thought were historic, and I thought had something to do with the history of Republic Aircraft Corporation.  After spending an hour photographing them, I waited to cross a busy street to get back to my car and head home.  Wouldn't you know that half way across Conklin Avenue, a huge flock of birds flew over really low.  I was so surprised because I was looking at traffic before crossing.  So I don't know where they came from, but they sure did make an interesting photograph against the gray and rainy sky, don't you think?



  1. This is a very cool photo, however it looks like you are standing in the middle of the road to capture it. That seems more dangerous that snapping a photo while driving. LOL

  2. Reminds me of "The Birds Is Coming" from years ago. Cool image.

  3. There is a traffic light at this intersection. I waited for a green light before crossing in the crosswalk. So, yeah, it looks like I am in the center of the road, which I am, but I am obeying the law... :-)
