Monday, April 24, 2023

Storm Front

I was on my way to pick up the pizza for dinner, and as I got to the harbor I saw this really dark wall of cloud.  Then I drove up the hill to the main street and went by the small memorial park that overlooks the sound.  The sky was so dark I just had to pul over, park the car, grab the camera, and run into the park and start photographing.  This is my favorite photograph and I used a 400mm telephoto lens for this one.  I also shot the scene with a wide-angle lens but it was not as dramatic.  What I like is that if you click on this, to the left beyond the dark shape of Sands Point is a mansion on the point and beyond that, in the center of the photograph, is Execution Light, a lighthouse on Execution Rocks, almost invisible.  Quite the scene!



  1. Wow! Great photo. It's interesting to look at it with so much detail. The houses and lighthouse are a nice human touch to the awesome natural scene of the rocky coastline and the storm in the background. Trace

  2. First impression: Doomsday! Realized there is a lot going on…Love Execution Light which I have heard of plus the view of all the rocks. Betsey
