Monday, April 17, 2023

The Wedding Portrait


Kathy and I went to the presentation at the Sea Cliff Library last Friday.  When we left and were driving home we drove down Sea Cliff avenue, which is the main street, toward Memorial Park, which overlooks the sound.  We saw these people getting out of cars and they were blocking one of the lanes so there was no room to get by.  We expected them to move out of the street and then they arranged themselves all across both lanes, while the driver on the right held up his hand to stop traffic, which was only us.  So we sat there for a bit while the photographer, seen in the distance, just to the right of the bride, arranged everyone and then had them walk down the street while he photographed them.  So we sat and watched him work and eventually he got the shots he needed and the crowd moved into the park for more photographs.  Just your average day in the life of a wedding photographer!


  1. Taking a chance blocking the road, but I am glad you were patient and could sit and watch these young people on their special day. I remember Jonathan and Lauren, the wedding party and many guests walking down a street in New Haven. The photographer got some great shots.

  2. On a happy occasion like this I can understand them blocking the road. Fortunately, you and Kathy are patient people. Nice that you got a photo while waiting. Betsey
