Tuesday, May 23, 2023

The Crescent Moon and Venus!

I received a text last night from a photographer friend and she said "Have you seen the crescent Moon and Venus?  It is all orange!"  So I went outside and was able to see the pair through trees and some electrical wires, because it was down low on the horizon.  It was a ghostly orange because of the thin clouds.  So there was no way I could photograph that.  But I was ready tonight and started looking for the crescent Moon before it was fully dark.  So when it did get darker, this is the photograph I got.  I have to say, that what really mattered was seeing the pair with the unaided eye.  What a magnificent sight it was, and a photograph can't do the experience justice.



  1. I knew you would post the Crescent Moon and Venus! I did go outside after chatting with you so I could see it. Magical! Thank you for sharing. Tried to take a photo but too many bright lights around. Betsey

  2. I went outside and could see the Crescent Moon and Venus but too many lights to be able to take a photo. Enjoyed seeing your photo.
