Friday, November 3, 2023

Frost This Morning!

When I woke this morning I looked out at the side yard as I always do, and noticed what looked like small patches of frost on the lawn.  They looked like the photograph, below.  So I knew they would not last long at all, so I rushed through my shower and dressed quickly.  I put on a jacket and grabbed my camera, after changing the lens to a "macro" lens, used for close ups.  The photograph below is the first one I took, and I did a bunch, but it really didn't look that interesting.  And every time I do a close-up, I think of the words of my friend Dean Ketelsen, who recently passed away: "Not close enough, Ken!"  Dean was the absolute master of the close up, sometimes using a technique where you take a dozen photographs, one by one at different points of focus, and then he combined them so the subject was tack sharp from back to front.  So I haven't done that, but after doing the photograph, I moved in closer and closer to the blades of grass until I got THIS close.  I was stunned to see that I can see the tiny ice crystals clinging to each blade of grass!  What a surprise I could see that, and that I could photograph it as well!  How cool is this!



  1. Dean would be proud! Love the close up.

  2. Love the close up. Can’t believe how tiny the crystals are - fascinating! Betsey
