Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Why We Fly

We did a cross country trip today, and when you live on an island, the only place to go is across Long Island Sound and up to Connecticut.  Unless you want to fly through New York City, which we didn't!  So we took off from Brookhaven airport, climbed to 6,500 feet to cross the sound and then went to Danbury Municipal airport in Connecticut.  There were a few clouds in the distance over the sound which I thought made a nice photograph.

But then as we neared the Connecticut shore the clouds thickened and we flew over them as we headed north.  There was a band of these clouds along the shore and it was beautiful to fly over them.  We had no worried because we could see beyond them and it was clear north of us.  How magnificent to be up flying around clouds.  Just magical.  Be sure and click on each of the cloud photos to see more detail!

And here are two intrepid airmen - the instructor and the student.  You might wonder why I am not smiling.  It's funny when I saw this photograph, because usually I am smiling.  But I was holding my Canon digital camera with my left hand and snapping photographs, while flying the plane with my right hand.  And I am serious because I am trying to compose the photograph properly!  Trust me, I was having fun!



  1. Wonderful photos. So excited for you to be flying again.

  2. Love the view over the Sound. Betsey
