Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Behind the Airplane

What do you mean, you are in front of the airplane.  Yeah, I know I am standing in front, but when flying the airplane today I was "behind" the airplane.  That means I spent much of the flight trying to "catch up" to the airplane and preferably be a step or two "ahead of the airplane."  It was a very frustrating day!  We flew from Brookhaven airport across Long Island Sound and landed at Bridgeport airport, then took off and flew to Long Island MacArthur airport then back to Brookhaven.  There is SO much to do as pilot when flying.  In a car your drive down the road and stay in your lane, and watch your speed.  In an airplane you have no boundaries, the entire sky is yours, BUT, you want to fly a straight course to your destination, AND you want to be at the correct altitude, AND you want to do various parts of the flight at the correct speed.  AND THEN, you have to adjust the communication radios and the navigation radios and talk to controllers and change engine power and headings.  It is so easy get behind air aircraft and not be able to catch up.  And that's not a good feeling.  I need to be "in charge" of the airplane, not hanging on my by fingertips as it races ahead of me.  Let's see if I will be better on my next flight, which will be in 2024.  Oh, the black thing covering the engine cowling?  That is a blanket that insulates the engine cowling, and there is an orange extension cord that connects to an electric heater in the engine.  So the engine stays warm, and starts more easily in the wintertime.  Even engines get cold in the winter!



  1. I'm exhausted just thinking about all you have to do when flying. You are a perfectionist. You've got this!

  2. Love this photo of you in your bright red jacket. Never knew small planes had blankets to keep their engines warm! It is exhausting just reading all the things a pilot has to do to fly. But as I think back to when I first started driving a stick shift car, I had to think of shifting gears and using both feet, use one arm to shift and one to steer, pay attention to the road, adjust the gas pedal, use directionals, use the mirrors...Now it's all habit and I do it naturally. So don't be so hard on yourself. You'll get there just like you didi when you flew previously. I have total confidence in you! Betsey
