Monday, April 29, 2024


Cat-In-The_Box, Jack-In-The-Box.  You get it right?   :-)  We ordered something small from Amazon and it came in this box which is about 9" by 12" and 5" high.  I left the empty box on the living room floor and I was surprised, but I shouldn't have been, to find Sam curled up in the box.  It looks as if he doesn't fit, but actually he does.  So it was his favorite resting place for a day, and then the next day it was completely ignored.  Such is the life of cats!



  1. It is new and Sam claimed it although It doesn't look like he will be jumping out of the box like Jack! He is comfy. :-)

  2. What an adorable cat! Great photo! Trace

  3. This made me laugh. I love seeing cats in bags and boxes. Both my cats loved them. Sam looks so soft and fluffy and content. Betsey
