Sunday, May 26, 2024

New Neighbors

We have some new neighbors!  We discovered three tiny Robin chicks who have just hatched, in a nest in our Lilac tree right by the corner of the house!  The nest was so well located we hadn't noticed it was there until the mother Robin was out on a branch squawking and we wondered why.  Seems that she saw one of the cats in the window.  The crazy thing is that they only live about two feet from our house but the cats can't see the nest directly, which is good.  I was able to take this photograph using a 200mm telephoto lens, which meant I was about 10 feet away, which is good.  I don't want to disturb them.

So this is the mother Robin and after she gets a worm - there is one in her beak - she flies to the roof of the garage nearby and spends time checking for threats.  If she sees none she quickly flies into the Lilac tree to feed the chicks, and then she quickly flies off so she is not drawing any attention to where the nest is.



  1. What a great photo of the baby chicks! Nature is amazing and how the mothers take care of and teach their young. Trace

  2. Love these photos and being able to experience nature.

  3. Smart birds! I love the photo of the baby chicks. Betsey
