Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Our Astronomy Meeting Tonight

We had a different kind of meeting tonight.  Instead of everyone facing forward listening to a speaker, we gathered in a semi-circle and had a group discussion about the Artemis mission which will return astronauts to the moon.  It is a huge, complicated project and a number of companies are all working together with NASA to accomplish this mission.  A number of our members are following this closely, so there was a lot to be learned from different people offering information.  And instead of everyone sitting there quietly, it was a lively back and forth discussing advantages and disadvantages of the program.

We are seated this way because there were members at home also taking part in the meeting using Zoom, and everyone could see them on the projection screen at the front of the room.  It was so nice having a change of pace in how our meetings are conducted, and it was so successful that we will be trying this again in the future!


1 comment:

  1. Great idea! You get more feedback getting everyone involved. Betsey
