Friday, May 24, 2024

Ready For Memorial Day

On the way to the grocery store today I drove by St. Boniface Martyr Church.  This is where Liz and Amy were baptized and confirmed, and went to grammar school.  I was so pleased to see all these flags displayed on the lawn as they do each year as part of the Memorial Day celebrations.  We will be traveling to Connecticut on Memorial Day, and so this is the first time I will not be attending the Sea Cliff Memorial Day parade since 1986.  I had never gone to any of the Sea Cliff parades, but in 1985 I read a story in Newsday by Leslie Hanscom, a writer who I worked with from time to time, called "A Memorial for Memorial Days Past" about how the parades in the small town in Maine where he grew up were no longer taking place.  I realized that we were so lucky that Sea Cliff had Memorial Day Parades that I started going every year.  So I am sorry I will miss the parade this year.


1 comment:

  1. I am so happy that my town still has a Memorial Day parade with service men & women, Police, Fire Department, EMS plus all the Girl Scout and Boy Scout troops, Little League teams and many businesses. It is a solemn reminder of all we owe to the Military Personnel who died while serving in the Armed Forces.
