Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Subway Puzzle Pieces

I had to wait a long time, for some reason, for the downtown subway to ICP the other day.  So, naturally I am standing on the platform and with nothing else to do, I am looking around.  Then I see this scene as I look across the tracks for my train, and over to the platform on the other side to the uptown platform.  I am enjoying the "windows" that appear in the concrete supports and walls. which are made up of concrete columns that hold up the station, and openings in the concrete wall that separates the two tracks.  So now I have my "checkerboard" and I keep the camera to my eye as people walk by on the other platform, all going in different directions.  The people are what make this photograph interesting, in the end,  I think.



  1. A very cool effect and a good exercise in patience.

  2. Promo: Thanks so much for this. It was a fun exercise, finding the windows and then waiting for people to be in the right place at the same time.
