Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Turn Around! Go Back!

I was on my way to my astronomy meeting and as I went by the harbor in Cold Spring Harbor, I saw these magnificent two cumulus clouds.  I thought "I should stop, those clouds are spectacular," but there was a car right behind me and no place to pull over on the narrow two lane road.  Then after driving another tenth of a mile, I KNEW I had to do back, so I pulled into a side street and turned around.  by the time I got back, the clouds had changed some, but I found myself looking at this fishing boat tied up to this dock and now I had a much better photograph, in addition to the clouds.



  1. There is so much to look at in this photo. For me, it’s the light shining on the water and then the 2 magnificent clouds hovering above. Betsey

  2. Great photo I love the lighting breaking through the clouds and the fishing boat. When I first read the title, I thought you were telling the fishermen to go back as a storm was brewing. LOL

  3. Now that's a PHOTOGRAPH!
    Capturing a fleeting moment.....Teriffic

  4. Thank you all! And thanks, Rich. I am embarrassed that I passed this by at first but then my brain kicked in and MADE me go back... :-)
