Thursday, June 20, 2024


We are in East Hampton, visiting Mary Ellen.  We drove out here this morning and as we pulled into her street, I saw this field of hay.  After visiting for a while I said I was going down the street to the hayfield to try and get a photograph.  I tried a bunch of things with parts of a split rail fence and most of the field in the photograph and had some photographs sort of.  Then I became aware of the seed heads on the tops of the hay stalks.  The seed heads were waving back and forth in the afternoon breeze, so I tried a more detailed photograph.  But it was only when I spied this bright spot of the background hay which was bent over, silhouetting the seed heads in the foreground that I realized I finally had something.  Seeing the bright spot seemed like some kind of magical thing, which is why I thought this was a really great photograph.  It's kind of cool, right?  It is far more interesting than the more ordinary compositions I was trying.


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