Monday, June 17, 2024

Heh-Wo Wabbit

When I got out of my car with the groceries for supper, there was this rabbit in the lawn, eating stuff.  The rabbit loves those little white flowery things in the grass, in addition to eating the grass and the clover.  It was leery of me but it didn't move when I got out of the car and I was only about 8 feet away.  Perhaps the rabbits are getting accustomed to humans more.  Fun to look at this photograph closely and see details in the rabbit's face and ears.   If I had a bunch of them all over the lawn, I wouldn't have to mow the lawn at all!



  1. Great shot of this cute bunny. We have had a couple around here and I love watching them.

  2. It's always a treat to see wildlife doing their thing. A very nice crystal clear shot of the bunny in the grass captured with a telephoto lens.

  3. Great closeup photo of your bunny. There was one that used to hang around in my yard. I would talk to him as I walked around him so he wouldn’t hop away!! They are fun to watch. Betsey
