Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Amy & Vivian Arrive!

We drove to JFK late this afternoon and picked up Amy and Vivian who will be in New York for a couple of weeks.  I did a couple of quick snaps after I stopped and photographed her dragging two suitcases and a child's car seat to the car.  Kathy jumped out to help but hadn't reached her yet.  I was using my toy camera and just kept shooting without looking at the back of the camera  I actually love her moving out of the frame - that sense of motion and moving.

Once we started driving home, Vivian immediately fell asleep in her child's seat!  She was sound asleep all the way home.  The joy of being a child.  It is wonderful having Amy and Vivian here, and Liz arrives in a week, for a family reunion.  Fun having family home!



  1. Yay! So exciting for you to have Amy and Vivian arrive. Look forward to Liz arriving.

  2. I am looking forward to seeing Amy, Miss Vivian and Liz soon!!
