Monday, August 19, 2024


After milling our street, the next day a crew came in and added thin layers of blacktop to areas to level them out, in preparation for the giant coating machine to come.  Then something unfortunate happened.  We had heavy thunderstorms both Saturday night and Sunday night.  So much water came out of a large pipe at the top of the hill, that the street was trashed!  There were large holes on the sides of the road some a foot wide and a foot deep and some 3 feet long, and water flowed under the blacktop, lifting it up and carrying some of it away!  I couldn't believe the mess.

What was absolutely amazing today was that a relatively small crew arrived and worked most of the day, and when they were done, the street looked as if nothing had happened.  I couldn't believe how quickly they fixed all the problems.  Now we await the giant paving machine which will put the final coat of blacktop down and our street will be in better condition that I can remember.



Anonymous said...

What an ordeal!! 😟

Anonymous said...

Wow! Crazy how much damage the rain did to the new blacktop on the street. Glad they were able to get out there quickly and fix it. Trace

Anonymous said...

So much damage from the rain but thankfully the crew was on top of repairs so quickly.

So much damage around Oxford, Monroe and Beacon Falls, CT. Roads and bridges washed away and homes and business flooded.

Anonymous said...

A little bad luck for sure caused by heavy rains but you and your Laurel Avenue neighbors will soon enjoy a nice new ribbon of black asphalt on your street!

Anonymous said...

Your photos really show the damage. What a mess. So glad that they repaired your street right away. Betsey