Monday, August 26, 2024

Snyder's Garage, Nederland, Colorado

This is the strangest story. I am cleaning up and trying to throw out all kinds of things I have been saving.  A lot of it was put back in the darkroom after the oil tank was taken out.  I fount his 5x7 print with a white cut mat around it, buried with other photographs.  I *thought* that I remembered passing this old garage when I was in Scottsdale, AZ on the way to Tonto National Monument, which is a site with ancient cliff dwellings.   On the mat it said: "Snyder's Garage, Nederland, Colorado, 1985."  Only when I looked up Nederland, it was no where near Scottsdale.  It is 800 miles away.  I also thought I remembered driving through the mountains on a two lane road, and finding this all by itself, not near any town.  Well that was wrong too.  Now I am thinking it was an assignment in Boulder, Colorado where I photographed the man who started "Soldier of Fortune" magazine.  I think I arrived in Boulder really early, and then drove on to Nederland just to see what was there.  And the garage is in the middle of town!  Man oh man, my brain is full!  Anyhow here it is, and it was famous in this town and is a beloved piece of Nederland history but lay derelict for years.  Sad to say, it was just demolished.  Well, this is what it looked like 40 years ago!


  1. Interesting looking building and I like all the detail in the photo. The old gas pump is cool. I'm surprised the garage lasted another 40 years based on how it looked when the photo was taken. Trace

  2. I agree with Trace. It is surprising that it lasted another 40 years and sad that it was neglected for such a long time.
