Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Other Gift that Keeps on Giving

I was on my way to my astronomy meeting tonight, and I brought my toy camera just in case.  Although I always have my smaller Canon T7i camera with me.  I had no idea what I was going to post tonight, until I pulled into a parking spot down by the planetarium.  I get to use a spot close, because of all I have to carry into the meeting - two computers, one for me, one for the presenter, and a bag with my wireless audio equipment, and a tripod and a wooden table top for my computer.  Whew!  Anyhow one glimpse at this Rose garden at dusk which I have photographed before, and I knew I had something.  Whew!  My little "toy" camera does an astounding job, doesn't it?  Please be sure and click on this to see it larger.



Anonymous said...

Gorgeous garden and view.

Anonymous said...

Stunning! Once a gifted Photographer…Always!!