Saturday, August 10, 2024

There's a Little Black Spot on the Sun Today...

There's a little black spot on the sun today...  Well, actually a whole bunch of little black spots, and a monster sunspot below the center!  If you are curious about the size of Earth compared to the sun, it would be about the size of just the black part of the little sunspot just above the center!  We are very tiny in the universe, but fortunately, not insignificant.  The Sun goes through an 11 year sunspot cycle, and we are in the middle of the more active part of this cycle, so it is wonderful to observe the Sun at this time.  This was photographed with a telescope with a specialized solar filter to block out the sun's rays.  DO NOT LOOK AT THE SUN, EVER, WITH ANYTHING!  YOU COULD BE BLINDED.  JUST DON'T DO IT, PLEASE!  Please click on the image and see it larger and look at the incredible detail.  Thanks!


  1. Thanks for sharing. Amazing to think of the size of Earth compared to the Sun.

  2. I looked up other “Sun Spots” posts and they are all fascinating! Thanks for sharing. Betsey
