Friday, August 16, 2024

What Ruin is This?

What an amazing scene this is!  I looks like the leftovers from some strange crucifixion, doesn't it?  We saw this from the grounds of the new UBS Arena in Queens, this evening.  More on that in another post.  This is the remains of the old "clubhouse" of Belmont Racetrack.  The clubhouse includes the grandstands where people watch the races from.  This is the old one, and a new one will be built, and I think it will be on the opposite side of the racetrack itself and it will look very modern according to the renditions I have seen.



  1. Strange Crucifixtion is the perfect description. I have never been to The Belmont Racetrack. Would love to see the before and after photos. Betsey used to go so I need her to look up old photos.

  2. I will definitely look up old photos to see the original clubhouse. Betsey
