Thursday, August 8, 2024

Where are the Trees?

The upside-down trees are gone!  Where did they go?

The second time I came to Mass MoCA, in 2007, the first artwork I saw were these four upside down trees hanging from upside down pots, held up in the air by cables to telephone poles.  It was an astounding thing to see.  Every visit since then I would check to see how the trees were doing, and usually they were fine.  Some, in fact had died, but they re-planted another in the same suspended pot.  This was an installation by Natalie Jeremijenko, titled "Tree Logic."  I was stunned when I arrived the other day and found the trees and everything else gone!  But there was a sign, and I have photographed it, above, and you can read why the trees are gone.  I will miss them after seeing them every year for 17 years. 



Anonymous said...

Amazing story about the trees and how adaptable they are. Creative idea. Trace

Anonymous said...

Amazing concept for so many years with these gravity defying maples. Happy to read that they have been replanted at the Clark Institute.

Betsey said...

I honestly have to say that I do not remember these trees when Joan and I visited many years ago. But I am glad to know that several have been replanted at the Clark and Colegrove Park and the remaining will be planted at Mass MoCA. Betsey