Wednesday, September 11, 2024

ISS Pass

Someone in the astronomy club mentioned that there was going to be an "ISS Pass" at 8:01 tonight.  I said I would start our meeting late so people could step outside to view this.  "ISS" is the International Space Station.  The report said it would appear in the southwest, and move to the southeast.  So my first photograph showed the streak coming out from behind a tree, the next, just a streak in the sky, and this image shows it disappearing behind a tree.  The great thing is that a light in the parking lot illuminated the tree, thus giving me a great foreground object.  My exposure lasted for 30 seconds, with my camera on a tripod.  Just think, that streak was a giant machine carrying a number of astronauts around and around the earth.  It was so bright because it was reflecting the light of the sun.  It looked like a brilliant star, and it slowly moved from right to left and was visible for a period of about 3 minutes.  What a beautiful sight!



  1. Amazing photo! The tree looks like it is changing colors for Fall already or maybe it is just the lighting. Hard to imagine that it is carrying astronauts when it looks like just a shooting star. Love it.

  2. How exciting for everyone to see this rare event. Love the color of the leaves on the tree. Would not expect to see such a solid looking line. Betsey
