Friday, September 20, 2024

The Pool Garden

I showed you my favorite photograph of the garden yesterday, so today I will show you the garden itself.  It is beautiful.  This is a view from the North Pergola toward the south, where there is a pool and a statue.  All of what you can see is part of what they call the pool garden.

Something to photograph from along the pathway between the pergolas.

This is a close up of the south pergola with this beautiful statue overlooking the pool.

And this is the whole pergola around part of the pool.  If the pool looks strange it is because it is under renovation and there is black plastic fabric underneath the water.

This is the view back toward the north pergola.  The pond looks better because the water is reflecting the blue sky and the clouds.

And this photograph brings us back to where I started.  My back was to this when I took the first photograph.  The brick in all of these structures seems perfect for the structures surrounding the garden for some reason.  Maybe because it is brick, it seems like a more natural building material.  This was such a spectacular garden to see in person and I hope my photographs give a sense of what is there.


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