Thursday, August 23, 2007

Modern Snack Bar

I have driven by this sign literally hundreds of times, and never really "saw" it before. Today I was heading east on the Main Road on the North Fork of Long Island, and perhaps, because it was overcast and the sign was illuminated, it jumped out at me. I didn't have the time to stop, of course, so I stopped on the way back 5 hours later, expecting the photo not to "work" because it is illuminated by sunlight. But it does, especially with the clouds. The thing about this sign is all the questions I have after seeing it... What is a "modern" snack bar? And that then creates the next question: "How old is this and when was this sign made?" It is a beautiful sign, of the kind rarely made anymore, and that's what makes it so special. I just love the design from another era as well. Maybe some day I will stop and talk to them, and have all my questions answered. If I do, you will all be the next to know.

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