Thursday, June 3, 2021

The Silver Tree

We decided to take a walk around the neighborhood to walk the dog and get some exercise.  There are a lot of interesting homes, some large and some small.  I will show you one of them in another post.  But this tree fascinated me.  It is actually silver-colored, even when you look at the bark closely.  But it was actually the shape of the trunk that attracted me at first.  So strange that the tree does not just grow straight up.  It is interesting to see how different the trees and flowers and other plants are in California.  The gardens in the front of homes are so different than what we see here on the east coast.



Anonymous said...

Very interesting. Do you know what kind of tree this is? Did you take a photo from a distance to reveal the leaves or possible branches at the top? I look forward to more photos.

Ken Spencer said...

I am sorry I never thought to photograph the tree from a distance. I was so taken by the shape and color of the trunk, I just focused on that. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Bizarre but very interesting. Love the silver color and bent shape. I just recently read an article on The Crooked Forest in Poland. The trees are bent near the bottom and then they rise up straight. They were thought to be used for boat building or furniture but it is a mystery...betsey