Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Why Is She Looking At Me Like that?

I have to admit that Grace has this look.  And it is always at me.  If she is in the kitchen and it is time for the cats to get their food, Sam wanders around back and forth, but Grace sits just like this and stares at me.  I cannot resist, and so I feed her.  But here she is in the living room.  I was sitting in my easy chair and she came over and sat down and started staring at me.  Who would refuse this cat, who looks at you like this.  What does she want?  In the past, I had a small red laser pointer. and when I was in my chair, I would turn it on and sweep the laser between the front hall and the living room and the dining room, and the cats would chase the dot.  But I have misplaced the laser so her looking, I am sorry to say, is in vain.



Anonymous said...

She is a beautiful cat and what an adorable look! Amazing how they train us to know how to serve them. Great photo and funny story. Trace

Anonymous said...

Grace is so beautiful. I suggest you go to the Pet Store and purchase another laser toy so you can play together. :-)

Anonymous said...

Cats are amazing and I suspect that Grace is wondering why you are just sitting there staring back at her. Hopefully that laser pointer shows up or maybe you should go get another one. :)

Anonymous said...

She has the best face. I suppose if you won't get up to get her treats, then you could at least play with her...Better find that laser pointer. betsey

Pat Burson George said...

That face! I could refuse her nothing! �� #kittylove

Ken Spencer said...

Wow, thank you all for your comments and your love of our Grace! I was looking for something else today and found a different laser pointer I forgot I had so she had a good run today!