Wednesday, May 11, 2022


Recently a famous photographer named Jerry Uelsmann died at the age of 84.  I have been a fan of his since I was in college at RIT.  Jerry Uelsmann graduated from there, where he studied with Minor White, who I also studied with.  Uelsmann was the master of combining multiple negatives into one finished image and those images were both beautiful and surrealistic.  Way before Photoshop and digital imaging, he worked with multiple negatives in multiple enlargers in his darkroom, and carefully registered the photographic paper carefully under each enlarger, and would make the image by moving one sheet of paper down the line of enlargers, making a final print that might be made from 6 or more different negatives.  Anyhow, when I learned of his passing I fooled around in photoshop and made this image, which is quite different from his, but may give you a sense of the surrealistic nature of some of his images.



Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing his interesting concept. I remember you setting up a dark room in the basement to develop photos or having negatives hanging from a clothes line. Photography has changed so much over the years and what you can do digitally now.

Anonymous said...

You captured the essence of many of his photos!! Of course, I had to look up Jerry Uelsmann to see his photos. You honored him. betsey